2021/02/16 Product pickup

Multi-purpose Tamper-evident Series

A new lineup of caps has been added to our range of tamper-evident products. Special attention has been given to the size and design of the opening lip and tear-band removal tab. They are ideal for a wide range of applications, from tablets and powdered food supplements, to cream cosmetics and hair care products.

Caps (from the left)
ST-35φ Cap II
ST-49φ Cap II
ST-62φ Cap II
ST-75φ Cap II
Containers (from the left)

Caps (from the left)
ST-85φ Cap II
ST-100φ Cap II
Containers (from the left)

Information on the ST-Cap II Series can be downloaded here

With a tear-band that is removed when the container is first opened, the tamper-evident function is simply provided by the capping process. It is a sustainable choice for ensuring the safety and security of the product compared with previous options such as outer packaging or shrink bands.

In our range of tamper-evident products, caps are available in 6 sizes from 35φ to 100φ, and containers are available in 13 sizes with capacities of 50ml to 1100ml.